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I am sure you are aware of the fact that most of the world's Muslims are not ARABS, making the stereotyped image of a Muslim as a terrorist even more demented. The country with the largest number of Muslims is Indonesia, not even near the Arabian Peninsula.

I know my approach is crude, condescending, and unintelligent, but I have to make a point. If you have been buying into the media's efforts at portraying Islam and Muslims as a bunch of Medieval people with their clocks set to 1200 AD, you need to press the 'off' button in your TV remote. At times it seems the media is kissing up to the Muslim community with cliché statements like "Muslims are peaceful people" and the "terrorists are a minority not representing the true creed of Islam". Unfortunately, it is also often very subtle in its misinformation about Islam.

I am also becoming tired of reconciling Islamic values, ideals, and culture with Western perspectives of what is right or wrong. Sometimes I feel like just saying, "deal with it" it is patriarchal, but not necessarily the evil picture patriarchy has taken on lately. There will be many who will disagree with me on this, but in my opinion Islam is not everyone.

continued: Hollywood's responsibility ......

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