The issue of race and gender equality continues to be a hot issue. It has been more relevant to my life lately because of a particular friend. A friend who seriously believes that women are intellectually inferior. I am not a woman's rights activist, but I do cringe at his comments. He is a scientist, inquiring into the cutting edge of Physics to find some answers, particularly the GUT theory (Grand Unified Theory?), something that would bring electromagnetism and relativity together instead of merely being related.

One of his arguments is the lack of women in hard sciences and engineering (this he argues with total disregard of the eons of oppression women have been facing and continue to face). Worse, his support of Eugenics just drives me nuts! Eugenics is based on assumptions about intelligence that cannot yet be fully supported, making it presently a very racist ideology despite attempts to sugarcoat the theory behind it. I am frustrated. How can you argue with someone who is so sure of himself?

I apologize for this five minute rant. I will have more on this topic. Until then, visit this about the status of women in science today

science vs. liberal survey results

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eugenics, race & gender superiority

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