The scientific method is a great means of discovering truth about this world. Being raised in a family where science is valued highly, I cannot help but acknowledge this significant force driving my thought processes each day. To me, wisdom is about discovering the world around you and having a deeper understanding. By far, the most successful way, if not the best way, of discovering about the world around me has been through science. Not just academic partitions of Chemistry, Physics, and Biology, but the thought processes that is based on reason and observation that so many people from sociologists to nuclear physicists use to gain deeper understanding of our world has helped me tremendously.

And besides the obvious benefits, science has also presented me with conflicts in life. Reconciling religious reasoning with science is not always the  easiest thing (and not always necessary or the best thing).

Here, I hope to explore to an extent the influence of science in my life, present to you rants about scientific subject matters, and explore why I have conflicts when I do. Forgive me if there not much food for thought here.

science vs. liberal survey results

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science vs. liberal arts

eugenics, race & gender superiority

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